Friday, January 25, 2008

The Sabrina Fein Project

What is it with people who choose to go into the t.v. news business? Unless you are the one-in-million who can be picked up by a major player (Fox, CNN, NBC, ABC, ESPN, etc.) it's a lost cause from the beginning. Think about it. Women rarely make it long term in this they grow older, the station execs and the viewers lose interest. No amount of plastic surgery or wonder creams can help most of these ladies out. The men involved in this profession, on the other hand, usually become more "distinguished" looking as they grow older and maintain their appeal to all parties involved. Their job "life span" far exceeds that of a woman. I know there are exceptions....Diane Sawyer, Barbara Walters, Leslie Stahl, etc. But they don't even compare to the number of men who grow old sitting in the chair----Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Morley Safer, Mike Wallace, Frank Reynolds, Charles Gibson, etc.

I never looked at a "news babe" as "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO HAVE HER!!!!" hot until I saw Inga Hammond doing the local news when I lived in Seattle. This was probably in the mid-to-late '90's. I remember how bummed I was to find out that she left to take a position doing sports for Headline News. Good for her..... a national gig. Bad for me, though, because the station replaced her with some metro-sexual dude. I stopped watching that channel all together out of principal. I think Inga eventually moved on to greener pastures and is now doing a stint with the Golf Channel. I don't care so much any more as age has really taken it's toll on her. Poor thing.

Starting around the year 2000, Fox News became a ratings success. Many would say that was due to the "Fair and Balanced" moniker and corporate philosophy that Rupert Murdoch fostered from its infancy. That may be somewhat true, but I think the stations success is due to something simpler than countering the liberal slant put forth by the other networks----I believe Fox's success lies within its own name----Fox. When is the last time you saw a repulsive lady reporting the news on this channel? Even the women broadcasting on the weekends and late night are far from disgusting looking. Most, if not all, of the women reporting the news for this channel are Fox's. (I haven't used that term to describe the opposite sex in a long, long, time). Furthermore, the age disparity between the female anchors and the males is definitely noticeable. Also, most of the special guests that are female are younger, good looking women. The male special guests are older, more distinguished.....and hideous. That is unless you think Judge Andrew Napolitano and Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld are hot.

Because I have nothing else to do, I've decided to see if a modern day "hot" Inga Hammond exists on the current news broadcasts. I'm not looking national news.....too impersonal. Nope, I'm sticking with the local product. I have searched the local networks morning and night, weekday and weekend. Two finalists made the cut.....Stacey Deffenbaugh from ABC 7 and Sabrina Fein from Fox 4. I toiled over this a long time (not really) but eventually decided that Sabrina Fein took top honors. (Now would be a good time to Google her.) I based my decision on several scrutinizing factors: One, Sabrina works for Fox (I've already described the significance of that above) and two, her last name is Fein which I'm pretty sure is pronounced "fine". A coincidence? I think not. Now, if you're thinking I was paid off in some way by this contestant for this privileged honor, think again. I'm a man of integrity. I've never met nor talked to her. I would like to, but never have.

From here on out, we'll monitor Sabrina's career. Not in a creepy, stalker kind of way, but instead in an impartial, outsiders way. Periodically I'll provide updates as to her status and where abouts. She's real good at what she does (meteorology) and I suspect that she won't be in these parts very long as she'll get offers from other markets in her quest to work her way up the food chain.

Inga Hammond was one of those "one-in-a-million" that made it big. I liked her before she was big time. If my knack for picking these future successes holds true, then Sabrina Fein will be another "one-in-a-million" that I picked while she was still small time. I'm confident that I'll be 2 for 2. That's 100% to you and I.

I'll keep you updated....


Anonymous said...

In the absense of talent, use T & A.
How many ways can you say...unprofessional, trashy, sleazy.
She dressed like she was leaving the station to go onto her other job, stripping.
She can always take those fake you know whats, and get work at Babes.
No surprise a guy thinks she wins anything, other than "bimbo of the week!"

Anonymous said...

This was written over a year ago, and to be frank with you "Anonymous", I had forgotten all about it. On a personal level, a lot has changed since then: I really don't care about such things anymore.

I agree completely with your comment regarding my post and I appreciate you taking the time to send it.