Thursday, January 24, 2008

It Is Alive!!!!!

A book.....hmmmmm. Now that would be cool. Write a book. Not just any book, though. Nope, why would I write a book about anything other than myself? I'll leave the make-believe to guys that do it well---King, Flynn, Clancy, Cussler, etc. I want a book written about me. And since I can't count on the professionals to do it, maybe I'll just have to do it myself. God only knows that in my 37 years, I have accumulated enough stories and experiences to fill volumes. One problem exists, though......I don't have the patience to sit down and write a book. So much for that idea.

Nope, what I'm going to do instead is hop onto the blog bandwagon. This won't be any old blog, though. I'm taking the blitzkrieg approach----hit you hard, and hit you fast. You know, like how Gary Larson did "The Far Side". One panel, then done. Very effective and not a lot of work invested by the target audience. After all, who is going to sit around and read a 16 page post about my thoughts every couple of days? I'm sure Seinfeld is on.....go do something useful with your time.

By the time this "project" is complete, the readers of this blog will know all they ever wanted to about me. (If that isn't a fascinating thought, I don't know what is.) Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you what my favorite color is, or who my favorite band is, or what I like to do in my spare time. Who cares!!!! Instead, I'll relive my life through the experiences I've managed to have. Some good, some bad. And along the way, I'll use this blog as the proverbial family dog that you kick when you get home from work.....just to get things off my mind. Yep, by the time this project is done, I'll have my book.

Yesterday, writing this was just some obscure idea. Now, after a little thought (and wine), finally......IT IS ALIVE!!!!!!

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