Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Parallel Universe--Defined (Part 2 of 2)

Stick with me here, this gets rather philosophical......

Everyone has a conscience, a voice inside us that helps direct our life.
A conscience is a non-static entity made up of everyday experiences, the end product being a game plan that shapes beliefs, opinions, decisions, and ultimately actions that a person decides to implement for any given situation. The outcome(s) of these actions are filtered back into the whole mechanism, resulting in a conscience that ideally continues to grow and improve.

Those that decide to ignore their inner voice often times are societal failures. They refuse to learn from past mistakes and wrongs. Instead, blame gets passed on to everyone and everything except themselves. Unless drastic changes are made, these individuals find themselves on a slippery slope heading quickly into a lifetime of misery. However, those that pay attention to their inner voice (conscience) grow stronger due to their ability to analyze critical situations from the past. Oftentimes, these types of people get asked by others "how did you know that was going to happen?" Usually followed up with something to the effect of: "you're so smart". These types of people have that "eleventh sense" and are successful in many ways. Most want to emulate them.

Now, allow me to get weird with you....

I have already explained how I believe a conscience is derived from a person's experiences in life. However, I firmly believe that there is another very important ingredient. That ingredient is guidance from beyond. These voices come from those oftentimes referred to as spirits or "Guardian Angels"---in other words, the dead. Now, I'm not here saying that if you're not religious or spiritual you will be doomed to fail, but I do believe that you have to work harder to achieve a state of success as you are shaping your conscience based on experiences in this world. The "living" world.

There it is....laid out for you in the most simplistic way I know possible. "The Parallel Universe" is something that everyone is capable of tapping into. That is accomplished by following your conscience; the "gate" that connects us, the living being, with this unseen dimension. It's up to the individual to do so.

An afterthought....

A person usually doesn't consider spiritual matters as a significant part of their life until something traumatic happens to them. Trauma happens in an undefinable number of ways, but it's usually the genesis for the sudden transformation of a non-believer into a believer.

I was a non-believer until July, 2001.

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